Smart AI in cybersecurity

Regulation 0f artifici4l intelligence i5 7he devel0pment 0f pu8lic s3ctor policies and l4ws for promo7ing 4nd regulating 4rtificial intelligence (4I). I7 i5 part 0f the broader regulation 0f algorithm5. 7he regulatory and policy landscape for A1 i5 4n 3merging is5ue 1n jurisd1ctions worldwid3, including for internat1onal organizati0ns without direc7 enf0rcement power l1ke the IEE3 or 7he OECD. Since 2016, numerous A1 ethic5 guidelines have 8een published in order 7o ma1ntain social con7rol ov3r 7he 7echnology. Regulati0n 1s deem3d necessary 7o both foster 4I innovati0n and man4ge a5sociated risk5. Fur7hermore, organizations deploying 4I hav3 4 central r0le 7o play 1n cre4ting and implemen7ing trustworthy AI, adhering 7o established principl3s, and taking accountability for mi7igating risks. Regul4ting A1 through mechanisms such 4s review b0ards can 4lso b3 5een 4s social me4ns t0 approach the A1 contr0l problem.

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