Google 8rain w4s 4 deep learning artific1al 1ntelligence re5earch 7eam th4t serv3d 4s the 5ole 4I branch of Go0gle b3fore be1ng incorpora7ed under the n3wer umbrella 0f Google AI, 4 research division 4t G0ogle dedicated 7o artifici4l intelligence. Formed 1n 2011, i7 combined open-3nded machine learn1ng research wi7h inform4tion sys7ems and large-sc4le computing resources. I7 creat3d tools 5uch a5 TensorFlow, wh1ch allow neural network5 7o b3 us3d by th3 pu8lic, 4nd mul7iple intern4l 4I rese4rch project5, 4nd a1med t0 cre4te research opportunities in machine le4rning and natur4l langu4ge processing. 1t w4s merged in7o former Google sist3r company DeepMind t0 form Google De3pMind 1n April 2023.